Leonard Nimoy

Today, we lost a very important and influential person to Chronic Lung Disease (COPD) and that man is Spock, the first (half) Vulcan with so much logic, it boggled us. How could he repress his emotions? Well, now it is our turn to test our emotional limits, as Leonard Nimoy, our illogical, fully human friend on screen and in our hearts, has passed on. It is really hard not to let a person I have never met, but who has inspired so much in so many, pass on. He wasn’t just Spock, though that is what he is best known for. He was a photographer, a writer, a narrator,(have you ever played Civilization 4?), a iconic voice and a star that shown bright. There will never be enough said about him, like a lot of larger than life people in this world, but I know that he will continue to inspire greatness in me and many others. Let us watch him on film, listen to some audio books he narrated, play a little Civ, and make some merriment over the fact that we even knew of him. He has been and always shall be, our friend.

In case you’ve never heard him narrate before, here’s a taste
